Thursday, September 11, 2014

Sanakor plunge corset

Two months ago I read an article, about a 1905 corset, on the website

Here is the article:

So, after drafting the pattern, I decided to sew it.
This is the final result:

It has 26 bones and it is composed by three layers of material: blue satin; white cotton; white satin for lining.
I changed the original corset boning channels position, and I constructed it as a 18th century stays by inserting bones between fabric layers,also I didn't add the bow on center front.
I didn't use a busk for the front because unfortunately I didn't have one.

It was a long time that I wanted to recreate the sanakor due to its beautiful and particular shape.
I'm very happy of the result.


  1. Replies
    1. I used the pattern picture contained in the Foundations Revealed's free article. First of all I made a paper mock-up to adjust the shape and then I adjusted the measurements.

  2. Hey, I found your blog last night and I'm in love!
    I would love to try to create a little bit shorter underbust corset of this gorgeous Sanakor corset. The problem is that I don't have that pattern so I should draft it and by watching these pics of your corset I really can't tell how you have placed the bones. And did you use spiral bones or flat bones?
    Could you help me?

    Today I finished my first self made corset and it turned out great. It's made of green satin. I have never studied textile crafts but my granny has taught me since I was a kid and now I'm a young adult and textile craft is my huge passion.

  3. Hi Ansa lines! Thank you for your compliments! In this corset I placed the bones in the middle of each panel, and I used synthetic whalebone.

    1. Thank you! This information was really helpful. I'll start drafting the patterns right away! :)
