Saturday, January 10, 2015

Sanakor Plunge corset: 2

After I made my first Sanakor corset I decided to sew another one faithful to the original.
So, I redrafted my pattern due to the fact that the old one didn't satisfy me.
This time I used one layer of hand dyed silk satin, coloured of a shiny tone of grey.
I cutted off all the pattern pieces and then I dyed them.

Then I began to sew together all the panels and adding boning channels.

Unfortunately I didn't take any other construction pics, the next tme I will do it!

I also embroidered on the waist tape the name of the corset.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Edwardian mannequin

In these past holidays, I was thinking to get a dress form, a very special dress form: an edwardian mannequin.
I took a look on the web, there was some of them but they were very expensive!
So I decided to built the mannequin by myself. 
I began moulding a huge piece of polystyrene using a knife, and then  I used a suitable waterproof product to protect and to refine it. The final effect is quite rough, but I like it.
Unfortunately I didn't take any construction pics.
Here it is:

Friday, January 2, 2015

1901 Norah Waugh corset: finished

After changed the pattern as I wanted, I decided to sew the corset using two layers of thin satin worked as one. 

First of all I cut off from the fabric all the pattern piece and then I sewn up them together.
The following step was to sew the boning channels an the waist tape using a cotton gros grain ribbon, and then I added the bones, the flossing and some decorative lace.

Then I added the frontal busk.

The last steps were: add the lining; sew the binding; add the eyelets.