Friday, January 9, 2015

Edwardian mannequin

In these past holidays, I was thinking to get a dress form, a very special dress form: an edwardian mannequin.
I took a look on the web, there was some of them but they were very expensive!
So I decided to built the mannequin by myself. 
I began moulding a huge piece of polystyrene using a knife, and then  I used a suitable waterproof product to protect and to refine it. The final effect is quite rough, but I like it.
Unfortunately I didn't take any construction pics.
Here it is:


  1. Very nice work! I am curious, what was the name of the product you used to protect the mannequin, after carving? Thanks for sharing.

    1. Unfortunately I don't know how it is called, but it is like a paint and it is used for impermeabilize roofs.

  2. Ciao Dario,
    è tutto il giorno che ho tenuta aperta sta finestra del link del tuo manichino... Io vorrei tanto iniziare a fare pratica con qualche corsetto ma il fatto di non avere il manichino adatto mi limita molto. Con quelli moderni come sai non si ottiene quella forma... Hai mai pensato di farne uno (manichino, intendo) su commissione? Dubito di trovarne uno in buone condizioni ad un costo non troppo alto. Se t'interessa la cosa fammi sapere :) (il mio indirizzo mail è ela.siromascenko AT
